Sunday, September 11, 2011


This vid came to be trying to learn how to make videos.  Hmm definitely still have alot to learn about shooting the video as well as editing the video and what makes good content.  Not a total loss.
I had wanted to make some tinctures for craft use, not medicinal, hence the smaller amounts.  Using
Scott Cunninghams The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews

as my guide I made 4 tinctures of about an ounce each, and they will sit for 2 weeks, getting shaken at least once a day. 
One of the things that stands out in everything having to do with the craft is intent.  As I was making each tincture my intent was being infused with every movement it took to make the tincture, which in itself is simple enough, but to keep the intent with me and not letting it wonder off into other space, that is what makes this procedure not so easy.  It will come with experience and time.
The tinctures I decided to make this time are:
Cinnamon - money, psychic powers, and protection.
Myrrh- spirituality, healing, protection
Clove - protection, exorcism
Rosemary - which according to the book can be used for practically every magical goal
love, healing, protection, exorcism, sleep, lust...
So I made a 2 ounces of rosemary.

More About Intent

As you begin to create more things and cast more spells you will learn to fine tune your intent.  For me right now, it's words, in repetition, which is now being added by visualizations where by I can see faint traces of light coming from myself going into whatever I am working on at that time and also, say for instance I am working on something that has to do with protection, in my minds eye I see a force field around myself, or a glowing red aura on the walls of my house and so on.  Everything is still a work in progress, and a learning process.  Never stop learning.


  1. If you write a chant that holds your intention it might help with holding it. Simple always keep it simple. Especially at our age. LOL! I liked the video btw.

  2. I'm down with keeping simple for sure! Thanks cousin, a chant will work wonderfully. I have another friend who is learning like me and I hope comments like yours will help her out too :)
