This horrific event traumatically changed America and her people in an upheaval of violence that continues on, even to this day. Ten years later.
For myself, this event ripped away the safe feeling I had being within our borders, I knew we were untouchable by the violence of the world. Now, I find myself watching planes that fly over head, I can't help myself. Is that one flying too low? Is that one off the flight path? Do planes fly in that direction? It is scary, and I am terrified.
Now I wonder, is our water next? I feel so bad for our muslim community but I am cautious if I see anyone dressed like a muslim. I do not want to have to go anywhere near a government building...ever. I probably will not ever get on a plane, train, or ship, for that matter. Subway...HA! I don't know how folks do it, and I give them great credit for doing so and not letting utter paranoia get to them like I have. it paranoia?
We who lived during these times will never be the same, any of us around the world, not just americans.
Blessings be upon all who may come across this article, and if we can, be a good neighbor. That is where it all begins.