Friday, September 23, 2011

Halloween Ornaments


All of the above are available at:

Had a great time with these, and of course it's my favorite season of the year.  One night after I got done making the pumpkin head I baked some peanut butter cookies using on of my sons-in-laws 5 star recipe.  Sooo easy, and pretty inexpensive too.

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg

bake at 350* for 10 minutes.

Drink with milk, or coffee.  Yum!

Happy Mabon everyone and may the season bring you many blessings!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love is...quiet moments

Quiet Moment in Love

This is my men couple enjoying a moment together.  Love is...quiet moments spent in love.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great one!!

Michaels Haul 9.13.11

Woo Wee, Sculpey was on sale for .99 cents per pack as opposed to $2.29 per pack.  All the clay was .99 cents.  So I bought one of every one they had left plus a big pack of light beige.
I got rainbow colors for a special project ;).
And then the autumn stuff.  I made a broom decoration with most of the stuff here, the pumpkin I got for a friend.
Get out to Michaels it's a sale worth hitting.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great one!

Love is...affection

This is the beginning of a series on love.  I am one who thinks that love is where and who you find it with and all expressions of love are worthy and priceless.  All love is worthy and priceless!  I can't say that enough and am hopeful that one day everyone will see things thus.
First in the series I have named "Affection".  This is supposed to be two men, but they kind of look like a man and his son, so I may do another, but this is what they were supposed to be.  

Thank you for stopping by and have a great one!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What to make today...

Well, here's a start...
Oh, about my post on FB.  The one that said:
what had started out as fear has turned now into indifference.
· · 5 hours ago

    • Joleen Haunani Kinney Minarik its a quote i read somewhere and was trying to find the owner but there is a lesson here. fear, which is never brought about from love, lead to indifference which is away from love which is the golden rule. LOVE people, its whats good for ya.
      5 hours ago ·

    • Joleen Haunani Kinney Minarik it took me a hot minute to get back to love and still not there all the way...yet ;)
      After further thought, it seems that everything leads back to not enough love, I'm not talking about the love between man and woman, or my cat and me, or my babies and me, although it is very close to that.  This is the love that says, I don't know you, or why you hate me but I am not going to add my hate to this situation.  If someone is having a hard time showing love today, then that person should be shown love and then that person will give love another day.  At least, that's how it's supposed to work if this were a perfect world.   Also, I think if we really did reach that type of perfection we would all makes ourselves mad with the second guessing.  Ah love, it's whats at stake.
      Definitely an ocean setting.

      I watched a movie last night called Skin.  It's about a girl who was born to a white family but had physical features of a black person.  Her family fought and fought until she was classified as white again.  Oh, maybe I should make a point of where this all took place.  South Africa.  Apartheid.  She was not excepted by the whites, was made to stand outside a store while her mother showed her dresses from inside.  Was beaten and kicked out of all whites school that her brother attended, he looked white.  The closest anyone could figure is that somewhere in the parents heritage was black.  They had another child after her, a boy, and he too looked black.  But by the time he came up things had changed.  Anyway, she ran off with a black man, her family disowned her and wouldn't even claim her children.  It was sad, but in the end she came out on top, thank goodness!

      Almost done.  Waiting on her to cool off now so I can fix the sea weed that fell over :/ and then as soon as I'm done I will post her.  
      Words with Friends...addicting....just saying.

      And she's done!  Getting ready to post her and another item on my Etsy.
      Thanks for stopping by, have a great one and enjoy the many blessings of the full moon!
      Happy Esbat!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New product for Fall

Autumn Jewelry Dish

The old tree is a ring holder and 2 pumpkins decorate this jewelry dish.  I will post it on my my Etsy in a few minutes.
I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I may have to invest in a camera because my poor phone camera just isn't flattering my stuff at all and flattery can't hurt.  Right?
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
 If you like the earrings you may purchase them here from Natural Maui.

Tree of Life

Everything was going great until I tried to do the writing and the tip cooled off.  The further down you get the worse it gets and I was burning through a piece of paper and didn't see how bad it was getting until it was too late.  So won't sell this one, but will make another and do it better...hopefully.

These are a before and after shots.

Back to the drawing board. 

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.


Humans are a very arrogant species.  Most of us think we got this and most of us barely have daily living skills down pat.  So where can that lead I wonder?

Could it be this simple?  And what if we would have known this all along and acted on it?  What then? 

"Give peace a chance."
Dr. Emoto


This vid came to be trying to learn how to make videos.  Hmm definitely still have alot to learn about shooting the video as well as editing the video and what makes good content.  Not a total loss.
I had wanted to make some tinctures for craft use, not medicinal, hence the smaller amounts.  Using
Scott Cunninghams The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews

as my guide I made 4 tinctures of about an ounce each, and they will sit for 2 weeks, getting shaken at least once a day. 
One of the things that stands out in everything having to do with the craft is intent.  As I was making each tincture my intent was being infused with every movement it took to make the tincture, which in itself is simple enough, but to keep the intent with me and not letting it wonder off into other space, that is what makes this procedure not so easy.  It will come with experience and time.
The tinctures I decided to make this time are:
Cinnamon - money, psychic powers, and protection.
Myrrh- spirituality, healing, protection
Clove - protection, exorcism
Rosemary - which according to the book can be used for practically every magical goal
love, healing, protection, exorcism, sleep, lust...
So I made a 2 ounces of rosemary.

More About Intent

As you begin to create more things and cast more spells you will learn to fine tune your intent.  For me right now, it's words, in repetition, which is now being added by visualizations where by I can see faint traces of light coming from myself going into whatever I am working on at that time and also, say for instance I am working on something that has to do with protection, in my minds eye I see a force field around myself, or a glowing red aura on the walls of my house and so on.  Everything is still a work in progress, and a learning process.  Never stop learning.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where it all began for me

Well, not exactly, but they sure did make my goal alot easier to attain.  All of my dried herb needs, and just about everything I need except alcohol, they even sell the containers you need to put all your herbal goodies into.  And no, this is not the only online store for dried herbs, there are more if you google.  Like I said, this is where things jumped off from.
Mountain Rose Herbs
Check out their youtube.  Lot's and lot's of valuable information.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

In the wake of 9/11

This horrific event traumatically changed America and her people in an upheaval of violence that continues on, even to this day.  Ten years later. 
For myself, this event ripped away the safe feeling I had being within our borders, I knew we were untouchable by the violence of the world.  Now, I find myself watching planes that fly over head, I can't help myself.  Is that one flying too low?  Is that one off the flight path?  Do planes fly in that direction?  It is scary, and I am terrified. 
Now I wonder, is our water next?  I feel so bad for our muslim community but I am cautious if I see anyone dressed like a muslim.  I do not want to have to go anywhere near a government building...ever.  I probably will not ever get on a plane, train, or ship, for that matter.  Subway...HA!  I don't know how folks do it, and I give them great credit for doing so and not letting utter paranoia get to them like I have. it paranoia?

We who lived during these times will never be the same, any of us around the world, not just americans. 

Blessings be upon all who may come across this article, and if we can, be a good neighbor.  That is where it all begins.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sea Goddess

Inspired by my sis's beautiful sea glass jewelry <3 <3 <3

The pictures aren't very good, but you get to see her hair.  She is laying over a piece of coral with her head leaning on her left hand and her right hand is drawing a heart in the sand.  She, and the beach, are adorned with sea weed, kelp and sea shells.  With this piece I actually sculpted, and am learning more and more each time I get the clay in my hands.
Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day!

Finished :).